LPG gas leaks are one of the factors causing
fires in housing, this is due to gas leaks not
being able to be detected from the start because
the gas content is usually small and not
smellable, when there is a lot of gas outside the
cylinder and there is a trigger or sparks around
it, the fire does not occur. it is undeniable that it
will happen. So that this can be avoided, a
monitoring and control system for IOT-based
Gas Leak Detection is created, by detecting lpg
gas leaks by operating the MQ-06 sensor
reading which has been set at a set point of 1960
ppm, with a maximum sensor reading limit of
10,000 ppm based on Arduino nano 10 bit with
information transmission media in the form of
the NodeMcu V3 module.
The results of the MQ-06 sensor readings are
processed in the Arduino program so that
information is generated in the form of sound
notifications generated by the buzzer, when the
MQ-06 sensor detects LPG gas at a set point of
1960 ppm the sensor will send data in the form
of an analog voltage sent to Arduino and
converted into a digital voltage through the
ADC facility to then send information, the
sensor will send data to Arduino to be managed
in the Arduino IDE software so that it can
respond in the form of a buzzer as an alarm,
displays information on the LCD and activates
the exhaust fan, and this tool can also send
information gas analog data to android
smartphones using the Blynk platform via the
internet network