The Effect of Reading Strategies on the Students’ Reading Comprehension in Recount Text


  • Enni Erawati Saragih
  • Rizka Oktavia B



Recount Text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past with the purpose to either inform or entertain the audience. Reading strategy Summarizing helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension of the student in the recount text. Quantitative research used in this study. Eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 16 Bogor were the population of the research. The sample of the research was 60 students; it was divided into experiment class consisting of 30 students was taught about the reading comprehension in recount text used summarizing strategies and control class consist of 30 students too was taught about the reading comprehension in recount text used predicting strategies. The data were gained from the post after the students were taught English procedure text. The result of the research shows that there were effects of reading strategies to improving students’ reading comprehension in recount text. It can be seen by the mean of the average of score (mean) of -test of the experiment class was82, median was 80, and mode was 80. The average score of reading-test of the control class was 74. It had the difference of 8 point with experiment class. So, the score of the experiment class was higher than the score of control class. The median of control class was 75 and mode was 75. Based on analysis t-observed was 3.50 and t-table was 2.66. The result of t-observed was higher than t-table, H? was rejected because 3.50 > 2.66. This result shows that the use of Reading comprehension in recount text of the students who are taught by reading strategies summarizing is better than Reading comprehension in recount text of the students who are taught by reading strategies predicting, therefore, the writers’ hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.



Cara Mengutip

Saragih, E. E., & B, R. O. (2016). The Effect of Reading Strategies on the Students’ Reading Comprehension in Recount Text. ENGLISH, 10(1), 57–63.


