The concept of adâb by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and its relevance to education in Indonesia
adab, al-Attas, educationAbstract
During the first World Conference on Muslim Education in 1977 in Mecca, Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas presented a highly important theory to the Muslim community. According to al-Attas, the most fundamental problem being confronted by the ummah today is the loss of ad?b. Al-Attas then offered a resolution in the form of ad?b-based education (ta'd?b). In this article, the writer has tried to examine the concept of ad?b as defined by al-Attas and its relevance towards education in Indonesia. The writer has used a qualitative method in the form of content analysis towards the works of al-Attas. Moreover, the writer has also conducted interviews to complement the required data. The results show that the concept of ad?b as outlined by al-Attas more than 30 years ago still holds a high relevance towards education in Islam. Ad?b not only presents itself as a theoretical concept, but also practical and applicable; encompassing aim of education, curriculum, teacher qualification, learning methods, evaluation methods and including also the means and infrastructure for learning. The concept of ad?b by al-Attas, if comprehended correctly, could be a solution to the crisis in the world of education today.
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