The purpose of this research is to find out the Small and Medium Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs) of Bogor City Bags in Utilizing Instagram social media as a promotional medium andincreasing the selling value of their products. The method used is descriptive qualitative research bymeans of field observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results show that Instagramsocial media has many features, which are frequently used, namely the IG Story feature, DM (directmessage), highlight, promote / boost ost / ads. Besides Instagram, it also has an E-Commerce accountlike shopee. Meanwhile, to proceed to the product order stage, you can go through the Whatsappapplication, shopee. So the role of Instagram as a media for product promotion at UMKM Bags inBogor City is very important and has a big effect on the economy of MSME owners. What's more, theuse of Instagram is considered cheaper and more efficient than other media. Social media Instagramcan increase the sales of Bogor City MSME Bag products especially with the Covid-19 pandemicconditions which require people to stay at home and shopping centers are closed. Keywords: Instagram, Promotion, MSME, SalesReferensi
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