Thought of Modern Physics, Cosmology, Epistemology, Stephen Hawking, Philosophy of Islamic EducationAbstract
This Research examines the history and concept of Stephen Hawking’s Thought of Modern Physics in Cosmology and Epistemology. Then presented within the framework of criticism by the Philosophy of Islamic Education and Its Implications in modern education. This data research was conducted by reduction, presentation, and withdrawal conclusions based on the combined information about the object of research after analyzing the Stephen Hawking’s Thought of Modern Physics by the conception of Philosophy of Islamic Education. On the Cosmological view, Stephen Hawking, embracing the Metaphysical Materialism. It is the beliefness that natural phenomena caused by the will of nature itself, and there is no connection between natural phenomena and supernatural powers. However, in Islamic view, to being closed with nature, Cosmology should be placed in the position of a universal science, because dealing with the reality of the cosmos as a whole so that it also includes metaphysical nature. As for the base epistemology, Stephen Hawking embrace the 'scientism', which according to him, the tool of epistemology to understanding the nature, was only legitimated and valid by science. However according to the Philosophy of Islamic Education, the revelation is a last source of knowledge of reality and truth of creature and creator
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Sejarah dan Konsep Pemikiran Fisika Modern Stephen Hawking dalam Kosmologi dan Epistemologi. Kemudian dipaparkan dalam kerangka kritik menurut Filsafat Pendidikan Islam serta Implikasinya dalam pendidikan modern. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan langkah dimulai dengan Reduksi data, Penyajian data, dan Penarikan Kesimpulan berdasarkan gabungan informasi mengenai obyek penelitian setelah menganalisis pemikiran Fisika Modern Stephen Hawking dengan Konsep Filsafat Pendidikan Islam. Dalam Pandangan Kosmologi, Stephen Hawking, menganut Pemikiran Naturalisme Metafisik (Metaphysical Naturalism) yaitu keyakinan bahwa gejala alam disebabkan karena kehendak alam itu sendiri serta tidak ada kaitan antara fenomena alam dan kekuatan gaib. Padahal menurut pandangan Islam, dalam mendekati alam, Kosmologi harus diletakkan pada posisi ilmu yang universal, karena berurusan dengan realitas kosmos secara keseluruhan sehingga ia juga meliputi alam metafisika. Adapun menurut Basis Epistemologinya, Stephen Hawking menganut pemikiran ‘saintisme’, di mana menurutnya, satu-satunya alat epistemologi dalam memahami alam, yang sah dan valid hanyalah sains. Padahal menurut Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, wahyu merupakan sumber ilmu tentang realitas dan kebenaran akhir berkenaan dengan makhluk ciptaan dan pencipta.
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